

Last updated: Dec. 1, 2023.


Journal papers

Rui-Liang Xu, Chia-Rung Lu. (2023). Like a sticker: The grammatical constructionalisation of the file extension abbreviation .jpg in a Taiwanese online forum, International Review of Pragmatics, 15(2): 249–274. [Scopus] ( 

Schmidt, C., & Lu, C.-R. (2022). Let Me Finish!-Speech Patterns of Interruptions in Chinese: A Corpus-based Study on Parliamentary Interpellations on Taiwan.  International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing = 中文計算語言學期刊, 27(1), 111-152. [THCI, ACI] (

Lai C-H, Hsieh S-K, Lee C-L, Su LI-W, Liu T-H, Lu C-R, Tsai I-N and Chou T-L (2021). Neuro-Cognitive Differences in Semantic Processing Between Native Speakers and Proficient Learners of Mandarin Chinese. Front. Psychol. 12:781304. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.781304

Li, Po-Wei, and Chia-Rung Lu. (2020). Articulating sexuality, desire, and identity: A keyword analysis of heteronormativity in Taiwanese gay and lesbian dating websites, Journal of Sexuality and Culture, 24, 1499–1521, Springer. DOI :10.1007/s12119-020-09709-5.

劉德馨、呂佳蓉、蔡宜妮、蘇以文. (2019). 四字格成語的習語性和規律性:以「一X#Y」為例清華學報49(4): 683-719. DOI: 10.6503/THJCS.201912_49(4).0004  [Liu, Te-Hsin, Chiarung Lü, I-Ni Tsai, I-Wen Su. 2019. Idiomaticity and Regularity in Chinese Four-Character Idioms: The Case of [yi-X-#-Y]. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 49(4). 683–719.  DOI: 10.6503/THJCS.201912_49(4).0004 [in Chinese]]

Po-Heng Chen, Chih Yeh, Chiarung Lu, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Tai-Li Chou, Lily I-wen Su, & Chia-Lin Lee. (2018). Multiple scaffolding mechanisms for L2 syntactic processing—An Event-Related Potential study, 15(2): 63-93, Journal of Chinese Language Teaching.  (website)

Lu, Chiarung. (2014). The interplay between lexical polysemy and cultural model, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 14:36-47. [NSC101-2410-H-002-148-]

Lu, Chiarung. (2012). Eating is not an easy task: Understanding cultural values via   proverbs, Japanese Studies Journal, special issue: Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Future in Asia, 29:63-79. Thammasat University, Thailand. [NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2] (file)

Lu, Chiarung and Wei-hsien He. (2012). The ‘unmarkedness’ in proverbs: a typological perspective, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 12:529-534. [NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]

Cheng, Yi-yang and Chiarung Lu. (2012). “Verbal reduplication and grammaticalization: a corpus-based study on Mandarin VV-kan and V-kankan constructions,” Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 12:412-424.

Lu, Chiarung. (2011). Synesthetic generalization revisited: a new perspective based on onomatopoetic words, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, pp.320-330.[NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]

Lu, Chiarung. (2010). Encoding ‘aspect’: Using linguistic iconicityProceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Associationpp.674-677

呂佳蓉2006)「Symbolic View再考オノマトペに見た言語の象徴性」,『日本認知言語学会論文集』JCLA,第6巻,東京:日本認知語言學會出版,頁321-331



呂佳蓉2003)「オノマトペの多義性に関するスキーマ的分析」,『言語科学論集』,第9号,京都大学, pp.83-117. (file)

呂佳蓉2003 「事態認知と日本語のオノマトペ」,日本『関西言語学会論文集』,2373-83


Published Abstracts and Conference Presentations

康容榕呂佳蓉. (2023). “這下”的語意分析:以空間隱喻、主觀性及篇章的觀點,第24屆漢語詞彙語義學國際研討會 (CLSW2023)2023年5月19-21日,新加坡中文與東方語文信息處理學會與南洋理工大學。

Lu, Chia-Rung. (2023). Preferred types of genericity of metaphor/metonymy in expressing coronavirus and epidemic in Mandarin and English, paper presented at "C&C 2023 - Languages in Cultural Perspectives: Practices, Discourses, Cognition."(March 27-29, at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland)(online)

Lu, Chia-Rung. (2022). Web surfing and Buddha-like: two conceptual levels of metaphorical extension in Chinese, paper presented at the 15th Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference (RaAM 15) (Sept. 21-24, 2022, at the University of Białystok, Poland). (Online) 

呂佳蓉 (2022) 日英中の伝達動詞における一考察―(間)主観性をめぐって, the 5th workshop of Asian Network for Japan Studies. (Mar. 5, Online conference)

Nguyen, Thanh How & Chia-Rung Lu. (2021). Application of spilling schema in English and Vietnamese: from peeing to extremely, paper presented at C&C 2021: interlingual and intercultural contacts and contrasts - approaches and practices. (Oct. 18-20, at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland)(online)

Lu, Chia-Rung. (2021). Construction schema and syntactic duality in Mandarin Chinese, Poster presented at 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11). (Aug. 18-20, 2021, University of Antwerp, Belgium)(online)

Lu, Chia-Rung. (2021). Eye-catching or/and eye-opening? Transformation of headlines in the digital era, paper presented at The Third Cultural Linguistics International Conference. (Jun. 16-18, 2021, Poland)(online)

呂佳蓉. (2019). 漢語四字格的內部結構與構式義,2019語言學門教師成果發表工作坊暨臺灣語言學學會第20周年慶暨第1次會員大會(20191119日於臺灣師範大學)

Lu, Chiarung. (2019). Contemporary Internet memes in Taiwan, invited talk at the 16th China Pragmatics Association (CPrA-16), at Jiangxi Normal University, China, August 16-19, 2019. [第十六届全国语用学研讨会暨第十届中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会年会]

Van Hoey, Thomas & Chiarung Lu. (2019). Reduplication as a trigger of intersubjectivity: Mandarin Chinese ideophones and reduplication in the CHILDES corpora, paper presented at the 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15), at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, August 6-11, 2019.

Lu, Chiarung. (2019). Dynamic Metonymy: perspectives from lexical semantics and Blending theory, paper presented at the 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15), at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, August 6-11, 2019.

呂佳蓉.蔡宜妮.蘇以文.劉德馨. (2019). 論漢語並列四字格「AXAY」的內部結構與構式義,第20屆漢語詞彙語義學國際研討會 (CLSW2019)2019628-30日,中國北京信息科技大學。(105-2420-H-002-009-MY2; MOST 108-2410-H-002-059)

呂佳蓉. (2018). 場所をめぐる意味拡張:「犬のトイレ」の場合, 2018年臺灣大學日本語文創新國際學術研討會, 國立台灣大學,台灣台北。(Nov 17, 2018)

Van Hoey, Thomas and Chiarung Lu. (2018). All that glitters is not gold: Prototypical semantic change in shiny Literary Chinese ideophones, paper to be presented at the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9). (Oct. 19-21, 2018, at National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Lin, Yu-Shan and Chiarung Lu. (2018). Culturally tinged spatial metaphor in human relations: a case study of biǎo ‘outer’ in Mandarin Chinese, poster to be presented at the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9). (Oct. 19-21, 2018, at National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Chia-Ho Lai, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Chia-Lin Lee, Lily I-Wen Su, Te-Hsin Liu, Chia-Rung Lu, I-Ni Tsai and Tai-Li Chou. (2018). The neural correlates of semantic processing in proficient Mandarin Chinese learners, poster to be presented at the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9). (Oct. 19-21, 2018, at National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Chiarung Lu. (2018). Linguistic basis for metaphorical understanding in proverbial reasoning, paper to be presented at the 12th conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM12). (June 27-30, 2018. at Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Nguyen, Thanh Hoa & Chiarung Lu. (2018). Cherry tomato and rice pancake: the femininity of food in Taiwan and Vietnam, paper to be presented at the 12th conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM12). (June 27-30, 2018. at Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

呂佳蓉 蔡宜妮. 蘇以文. 劉德馨. (2018). 論漢語四字格「大XY」與相關表達的構式義,第19屆漢語詞彙語義學國際研討會 (CLSW2018)2018526-28日,台灣國立中正大學。(105-2420-H-002-009-MY2)

呂佳蓉. (2018). ACG文化による言語の伝播と受容第八屆臺日亞洲未來論壇暨東吳大學動漫畫文化國際術研討會, 東吳大學,台灣台北。(May 25-26, 2018)

Yang, Yu-Chun & Chiarung Lu. (2018). The Semantic Network of Near-synonymous Spatial Prepositions titiam, and tua in Taiwan Southern Min, paper to be presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 28), at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (May 17-19, 2018)

Lu, Chiarung. (2018, Apr). When “others” become oneself: Pragmatic strategy for addressing self, National Taiwan University – Kyoto University symposium on SELF =台大京大SELF研討會, Kyoto University, Japan. (Apr 22-23, 2018)

Lu, Chiarung. (2017, Dec). The emerging construction of form of address in subculture: a comparative study. 20th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan =日本語用學會第20屆紀念大會, (Dec 16-17, 2017), 日本京都工芸繊維大学.

Hsieh, S.-K., Chou, T.-L., Tseng, Y.-H., Chiang, C.-Y., Lee, C.-L., Liu, T.-H., Lu, C.-R., Tsai, I-N., & Su, I-W. (2017, Nov). Entrenchment in Chinese Quadra-syllabic Idiomatic Expressions: A fMRI Study. the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Nov. 8-10, Baltimore, USA. MOST 104-2420-H-002-009-MY2.

Lai, C.-H., Hsieh, S.-K., Lee, C.-L., Su, I-W., Liu, T.-H., Lu, C.-R., Tsai, I-N., & Chou, T.-L. (2017, Nov). Lateralization Differences on Semantic Processing Between Native Speakers and Proficient Learners of Mandarin Chinese. the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Nov. 8-10, Baltimore, USA. MOST 105-2420-H-002-009-MY2.

Lai, C.-H., Yeh, C., Chen, P.-H., Lee, C.-L., Hsieh, S.-K., Su, I-W., Liu, T.-H., Lu, C.-R., Tsai, I-N., Chou, T.-L. (2017, Nov). Right Hemisphere Contribution in Syntactic Category Processing in L2 _ERP and fMRI Data from Learners of Mandarin Chinese. the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Nov. 8-10, Baltimore, USA. MOST 105-2420-H-002-009-MY2.

Liu, T.-H., Su, I-W., Lai, C.-H., Hsieh, S.-K., Lee, C.-L., Lu, C.-R., Tsai, I-N., & Chou, T.-L. (2017, Nov). Effects of Frequency and Construction on the Interpretation of Chinese Quadrisyllabic Idiomatic Expressions: An fMRI Study. the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Nov. 8-10, Baltimore, USA. MOST 105-2420-H-002-009-MY2.

Hsieh, S.-K., Chou, T.-L., Lee, C.-L., Su, I-W., Lu, C.-R., Liu, T.-H., Tsai, I-N. & T’sou, B. (2017, Sep). Entrenchment and Creativity in Chinese Quadrasyllabic Idiomatic Expressions.. the 11th International Conference of Cognitive Science (ICCS), Taipei, Taiwan.. MOST 105-2420-H-002-009-MY2.

Lu, Chiarung. (2017, Jul). Landscape in proverbs: a cross-linguistic perspective. the 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14)(July 10-14, 2017), Tartu, Estonia. MOST 104-2410-H-002-149.

呂佳蓉.  (2017). ACG文化の力:若者言葉とその意味変化, シンポジウム「ネット文化のなかの台湾と日本――オリジナリティ再考」, 於京都工芸繊維大学, Japan, July 23, 2017.

Lu, Chiarung. (2017). Landscape in proverbs: a cross-linguistic perspective, paper presented at the 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14), Tartu, Estonia, July 10-14, 2017. (104-2410-H-002-149-)

Liu, Te-hsin, Chiarung Lu, I-ni Tsai, I-wen Su. (2017). Regularity and Idiomaticity of Chinese Four-character Idioms: The Case of Yi-X-#-Y, paper presented at the 29th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-29), at Rutgers University, U.S., on June 16-18, 2017. (105-2420-H-002-009-MY2)

呂佳蓉. 劉德馨. 蘇以文. 蔡宜妮. (2017). 論漢語四字格「一X#Y」的構式網絡,第18屆漢語詞彙語義學國際研討會 (CLSW2017)2017518-20日,四川樂山師範學院。(105-2420-H-002-009-MY2) (file)

呂佳蓉 (2017) サブカルチャーの伝播と受容:台湾における日本語の借用語を例にして, the 3rd workshop of Asian Network for Japan Studies. (Feb. 18-19, at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

Lu, Chiarung. (2016, Dec). Ideophones of cognitive state and their implications. NINJAL International Symposium 2016: Mimetics in Japanese and other languages of the world, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), Tokyo, Japan.

Lu, Chiarung. (2016, Nov). Mountain metaphor in proverbs: a cross-linguistic perspective. the 10th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs (ICP16), Nov. 6-13, 2016, in Tavira, Portugal. (MOST 104-2410-H-002-149).

Lu, Chiarung. (2016). The semantic extension of FU in Mandarin Chinese: subculture matters, paper to be presented in the 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC6). (July 19-22, 2016. at Bangor University, UK)

呂佳蓉 (2016) 次文化動漫語言的傳播與影響:萌與小英主席,第二屆文化流動與知識傳播──台灣文學與亞太人文的多元關係」國際學術研討會會議論文集,pp. 219-228(2016625-26日於台灣大學文學院演講廳)

Thomas Van Hoey and Chiarung Lu. (2016). The distribution of ideophones in Tang poems: A variatonist perspective, paper to be presented at the 8th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 2016). (May 13-14, 2016, at National Taiwan University)

Po-Heng Chen, Min-Hsin Chen, Chiarung Lu, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Tai-Li Chou, Lily I-wen Su, Chia-Lin Lee. (2016). Hemispheric differences in processing syntactic category information in second language, Poster presented at the 23rd Annual meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society. (April 2nd-5th, New York, USA)

Lu, Chiarung. (2015). The distribution of cultural values among East Asian proverbs, paper to be presented at the 9th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs (ICP15). (Nov. 1-8, 2015, in Tavira, Portugal)[MOST 103-2410-H-002 -087-]

呂佳蓉 (2015) 水果的文化意象:一個跨語言的研究,「文化流動:東亞人景觀的轉換期、新思潮與多樣性國際學術研討會」會議論文集,pp. 150-157(201576-7日於台灣大學文學院)

Lu, Chiarung. (2015). Towards a Culturally Weighted Lexicon Construction, paper presented at the Workshop of Multiple Approaches to Multilingual frame semantics, WrodNet and Generative Lexicon (MAPLEX 2015). (Feb 9-10, 2015, in Yamagata, Japan)[MOST 103-2410-H-002-087-]

Lu, Chiarung. (2014). Metaphor as a prototypical category, paper presented in the 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC5). (July 29-31, 2014. at Lancaster University, UK)[MOST102-2410-H-002-069-]

Lu, Chiarung. (2014). Metaphor and the multifacetedness of cultural values in proverbs, paper presented at the 10th conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor (room 10). (June 20-23, 2014. at University of Cagliari, Italy)[MOST102-2410-H-002-069-]

呂佳蓉 (2013) 蠻夷、番仔、洋人與外國人──由外來者稱名的演變看文化交流,2013臺灣文學跨界論壇暨文學院邁頂計畫成果發表工作坊,會議論文集,pp. 66-84(20131019日於台灣大學台灣文學研究所)

Lu, Chiarung. (2013). Metaphor, polysemy, and cultural models, paper presented at the 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12), University of Alberta, Canada, June 23-28, 2013. [101-2410-H-002-148-]

呂佳蓉. (2012) 從台諺看語言與認知,台灣語言學會2012年語言學門教師成果發表工作坊。(20121027日於臺灣師範大學)[NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]

Lu, Chiarung and Wei-hsien He. (2012). ‘Three little pigs defeat the wolf’:metaphor and the blending chain in Taiwanese political discourse, paper presented at the 9th conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor (room 9). (July 4-7, 2012. at Lancaster University, UK)

Lu, Chiarung. (2011). Motivated Aspects of Language: Evidence from ABB-Construction in Mandarin. Conference Program, pp. 135-136, presented in the 11th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-11) in Xi’an, China, July 11-17, 2011. [NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]

Lu, Chiarung. (2010). When a sound becomes a symbol. Invited speech presented in 2010 International Conference on Pan Pacific Bio-Acoustics Network, Taichung, Taiwan. (Dec. 12, 2010 at National Museum of Nature Science)


Book Chapters

呂佳蓉(2023年12月)。喬治·萊科夫(George Lakoff), 《女人、火與危險事物:範疇所揭示之心智的奧秘》,1987年。(山藤夏郎等編) 日本學指南:100本研究日本人文科學領域主題的經典專書(ISBN:978-626-343-097-6)(191-197)。台北:五南出版社。


Lu, Chiarung, I-Ni Tsai, I-Wen Su, and Te-Hsin Liu. (2020). From Repetition to Continuation: Construction meaning of Mandarin AXAY Four-Character Idioms, Chinese Lexical Semantics (20th Workshop, CLSW 2019, Revised Selected Papers), pp. 201-210, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. . (

Van Hoey, Thomas & Chiarung Lu. (2019). Lexical variation of ideophones in Chinese classics: their implications in embodiment and migration. in Fon, J. (ed.) Dimensions of Diffusion and Diversity. (Cognitive Linguistics Research, vol. 63), pp. 195-226, De Gruyter Mouton Press. (ISBN 978-3-11-060812-0) (website)

Lu, Chiarung, I-Ni Tsai, I-Wen Su, and Te-Hsin Liu. (2018). Internal structures and Constructional Meanings: ‘Da-X-da-Y’ and Its Related Constructions in Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Lexical Semantics (19th Workshop, CLSW 2018, Revised Selected Papers), pp. 94-110, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.  (website)

Lu, Chiarung. (2018). The Emerging Construction of Form of Address in Subculture, Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, pp. 327-330. (ISSN 1881−445X)

呂佳蓉. (2018). ACG文化による言語の伝播と受容, 第八屆臺日亞洲未來論壇暨東吳大學動漫畫文化國際術研討會論文集, pp. 85-94, 東吳大學,台灣台北 (May 25-26, 2018).

呂佳蓉,(2017) 「サブカルチャーの伝播と受容:台湾における日本語の借用語を例にして」, アジア日本研究ネットワーク報告書, (Vol. 3) 119-141, Nonthaburi, Thailand; Kyoto:アジア日本研究ネットワーク委員会・事務局。ISBN: 978-4-908470-02-8

呂佳蓉(2017) 「由蠻夷到外國人──由外族稱名看文化交流」,《第一屆文化流動與知識傳播台灣文學與亞太人文的相互參照國際學術研討論文集》,頁541-572,台北。(file)

Chiarung Lu. (2016). The distribution of cultural values among East Asian proverbs. 9th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs: Actas ICP15 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-989-98685-6-4). Tavira, Portugal: AIP-IAP (International Association of Paremiology). Nov, 2016: 520-535. MOST 103-2410-H-002-087. (file)

呂佳蓉,「認知と文化を取り入れた語彙リソースの構築」,( 山梨正明編) 『認知言語学論考 = Studies in cognitive linguistics (Vol. 13) 東京都: ひつじ書房. (20169月,頁305-344). (information)

呂佳蓉,(2016) 「国立台湾大学における日本文化科目のシラバス調査」, アジア日本研究ネットワーク報告書, (Vol. 2) 89-103, 京都:京都大学国際交流センター事務局。(ISBN: 978-4-908470-01-1(file)

呂佳蓉. (2015) 「ひらめきときめき オノマトペ」, アジア日本研究ネットワーク報告書, 1: 127-165, 京都:京都大学国際交流センター事務局。(file) ISBN: 978-4-908470-00-4




Published Conference papers

Lu, Chiarung. (2018). The Emerging Construction of Form of Address in Subculture, Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, pp. 327-330. (ISSN 1881−445X)

Lu, Chiarung. (2013). The interplay between lexical polysemy and cultural model,Conference Handbook of the 14th Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA), pp. 128-130, (paper to presented on Sep.21-22, 2013. at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan) [NSC101-2410-H-002-148-]

Lu, Chiarung and Wei-hsien He. (2011). The ‘unmarkedness’ in proverbs: a typological perspective, Conference Handbook of the 12th Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA), pp. 10-13, (Sep.17-18, 2011. at Nara University of Education, Japan) [NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]

Cheng, Yi-yang and Chiarung Lu. (2011). “Verbal reduplication and grammaticalization: a corpus-based study on Mandarin VV-kan and V-kankan constructions,” Conference Handbook of the 12th Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA), pp. 199-202, (Sep.17-18, 2011. at Nara University of Education, Japan)

金善美・呂佳蓉. (2011). 「義務的な反語法解釈について-韓国語・日本語・中国語を中心に-」,『2011年多語言多文化同步教/ 國際學術研討會大會手冊』,台灣:東吳大學,2011327日,頁93-107

Lu, Chiarung. (2010). Synesthetic generalization revisited: a new perspective based on onomatopoetic words, Conference Handbook of the 11th Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA), pp. 200-203.(Sep.11-12, 2010. at Rikkyo University, Japan) [NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]







呂佳蓉,『擬音語・擬態語の比喩的拡張の諸相――認知言語学と類型論の観点から』,京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科博士論文,20069(未出版)[English Translation: Lu, Chiarung. (2006). Figurative Extensions of Onomatopoeia: A Cognitive Linguistic and Typlogical Study, Doctoral Dissertation. The Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University. Kyoto (Japan). ]



呂佳蓉,2020/8-2021/7. 當代網路語言變異的分析與應用(II): (互動)主觀性與語言模因 (計畫主持人) (MOST 109-2410-H-002-187-)[Project: Contemporary online language variation (II): A analysis of (inter)subjectivity and linguistic memes, Role: Principal Investigator]

呂佳蓉,2018/8-2019/7. 當代網路語言變異的分析與應用: 以輿情分析為例 (計畫主持人) (MOST 108-2410-H-002-059 -)[Project: Contemporary online language variation: A case study of Internet public opinion analysis, Role: Principal Investigator]

呂佳蓉2016/1-2017/12. 「字字珠璣:由腦功能看華語學習-總計畫及子計畫:華語四字格詞彙網路的認知神經研究」,科技部專題計畫。(共同主持人) (105-2420-H-002-009-MY2) (執行中)

呂佳蓉2016/3-2016/12. 台灣大學邁向頂尖大學計畫「日本大眾文化的傳播與衍義/異」子計畫: 由詞彙使用演變看文化樣貌:次文化動漫語言的傳播。教育部補助。(已結案)

呂佳蓉2015. 華語學習進程對於腦功能側化的影響,教育部補助台灣大學邁向頂尖大學計畫(前瞻計畫)(共同主持人)(已結案)

呂佳蓉2015. 諺語網絡的建置與應用(II):文化地景的比較,科技部專題補助研究計畫。(104-2410-H-002-149-)(已結案)

呂佳蓉2014. 諺語網絡的建置與應用:一個跨語言與跨領域的研究,科技部專題補助研究計畫。(103-2410-H-002-087- )(已結案)

呂佳蓉2013/3-2015/12. 台灣大學邁向頂尖大學計畫「文化流動──亞太人文景觀的多樣性」子計畫: 由詞彙使用演變看文化交流。教育部補助。(已結案)

呂佳蓉2013. 諺語呈現的知識體系與語意關係:以台華英日為例,國科會專題補助研究計畫。(102-2410-H-002-069-)(已結案)

呂佳蓉2012. 諺語的跨語言比較研究:以台華英日為例,國科會專題補助研究計畫。(101-2410-H-002-148-)(已結案)

呂佳蓉2010-2012. 日語與台語的隱喻認知分析:以《台日大辭典》為例,國科會專題補助研究計畫。(99-2410-H-002-218-MY2)(已結案)



呂佳蓉 (2003)《森林傳奇黑猩猩》,台北:書泉出版社。(原著為松澤哲郎著(2001)『おかあさんになったアイ』,日本講談社出版。)

呂佳蓉 (1996) 漫画《烏龍派出所》vol.8- vol.20(中文12冊),台北:東立出版社 (原書:『こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所』vol.58-70,秋本治作,日本集英社)



編譯監修 (2013) 《想像的力量: 心智、語言、情感,解開「人」的秘密》,台北:經濟新潮社。(原著為松澤哲郎著(2011)『想像するちから――チンバンジーが教えてくれた人間の心』,日本岩波出版社。)


What's new?  [the year 2023] 呂佳蓉 (2023年12月)。喬治·萊科夫(George Lakoff), 《女人、火與危險事物:範疇所揭示之心智的奧秘》,1987年。( 山藤夏郎等編)  日本學指南:100本研究日本人文科學領域主題的經典專書 ...