Group members
Last updated: Nov. 29, 2021
Current members:
PhD students
Andrew HC Chuang (莊惠鈞): 2016-present
- research interests: Pragmatics, Cognitive Linguistics, Irony
- Chuang, Andrew HC. & Iwen Su. (2021). Are You a DOCTOR-doctor?—Irony as a Trigger for Lexical Cloning, paper presented at C&C 2021: interlingual and intercultural contacts and contrasts - approaches and practices. (Oct. 18-20, at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland)
Alexander Chen (陳韋豪): 2016-present
- research interests: Cognitive
Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Critical Discourse Analysis
- Chen, Alexander WH. (2017). Pro-Liberal or Not: A Cognitive
Analysis on Anti-Trump’s Political Protests, poster presented at the 20th
Annual Meeting of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. (Dec. 16-17, Kyoto
Institute of Technology, Japan)
Nguyen Thanh Hoa (阮清華)(Carol): 2016-present
- research interests: Semantics,
Language and Culture, Vietnamese, Grammaticalization
- Nguyen, Thanh Hoa & Chiarung Lu. (2018). Cherry tomato
and rice pancake: the femininity of food in Taiwan and Vietnam, paper to
be presented at the 12th conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor
(RaAM12). (June 27-30, 2018. at Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Nguyen, Thanh How & Chia-Rung Lu. (2021). Application of spilling schema in English and Vietnamese: from peeing to extremely, paper presented at C&C 2021: interlingual and intercultural contacts and contrasts - approaches and practices. (Oct. 18-20, at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland)
Ruiliang Hsu (徐睿良): 2017-present
- research interests: Cognitive
Linguistics, grammaticalization
MA students
Rong-Rong Kang (康容榕): 2019-present
- research interests: Lexical
Semantics, Grammaticalizaion
- Kang, Rong-Rong. (2021). Conditioned Vowel Fronting in Squliq Atayal, poster presented at National Conference of Linguistics, Taiwan. (Oct. 23, 2021. Taipei, Taiwan)
Tran Cao Bing Trinh (陳高冰貞): 2020-present
- research interests: Lexical Semantics, Grammaticalizaion, Vietnamese
- Tran Cao Bing Trinh. (2021). strategies that male users adopt to cope with language barriers in dating applications in Taiwan, poster presented at National Conference of Linguistics, Taiwan. (Oct. 23, 2021. Taipei, Taiwan)
Previous Research Assistants:
Nate Yi-yang Cheng (鄭奕揚): 2015/1-2015/7
Peggy Li (李珮琪): 2013/9-2014/1
Thomas Van Hoey (司馬智): 2015-2020
- research interests: Historical Linguistics, Ideophones, Lexical Semantics, Corpus Linguistics
- Van Hoey, Thomas & Chiarung Lu. (2019). Lexical variation of ideophones in Chinese classics: their implications in embodiment and migration. in Fon, J. (ed.) Dimensions of Diffusion and Diversity. (Cognitive Linguistics Research, vol. 63), pp. 195-226, De Gruyter Mouton Press. (ISBN 978-3-11-060812-0) (website)
- Van Hoey, Thomas. 2018. The Blending of Bending: World-building in Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, poster to be presented at the 12th conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor. (June 27-30, 2018. at Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Van Hoey, Thomas. 2017. The thunder rolls: Iconicity and ideophones in Chinese meteorological expressions, to be presented in CLS‐MPI Iconicity Focus Group Workshop ‘Types of iconicity in language use, development and processing’, in Nijmegen, The Netherlands on July 6‐7, 2017.
- Van Hoey, Thomas. 2016. Ideophones in Premodern Chinese: Revisiting Dingemanse’s implicational hierarchy (poster). Mimetics in Japanese and other languages in the world (日本語と世界諸言語のオノマトペ). Tachikawa: NINJAL. 17-18 December 2016.
- Van Hoey, Thomas. 2016. Ideophones in Old Chinese: The case of the Shijing 詩經. ISACG [International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Grammar] 9. Berlin: Humboldt University. 29-30 July 2016.
- Van Hoey, Thomas & Chiarung Lu. 2016. The distribution of ideophones in Tang poems: A variationist perspective. CLDC [Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition] 8. Taipei: National Taiwan University. 13-14 May 2016.
Chor Kiu Lee (李楚翹): 2015-present
- research interests: Discourse Analysis, Language Teaching, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, language and sports
Master degress
Atta Nien (粘雅婷): 2008-2012
- MA Thesis:A Corpus-based Study on
the Dynamics of Metaphor in Mandarin Interactive Discourse (從語料庫看中文互動言談中隱喻的動態表現) (July, 2012)
- research interests: metaphor
realization in on-line interactive discourse
- Nien, Atta. (2010) “Metaphors Shape Daily Lives and Culture: From
an Interview about the Taiwanese Folk Festival of an Asian Goddess.” Paper
presented in the 13th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Graduate Student
Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Feb. 26-28, 2010).
- Nien, Atta. (2009) “Conventionality: The Interplay
between Metaphors on the Linguistic and Conceptual Levels.” poster
presented in the National Conference on Linguistics (NCL 2009), Taoyuan,
Taiwan. (Nov. 27-28, 2009).
Chun-Yang Jan (詹君陽): 2009-2011
- 2011/09-2012/06 Erasmus Mundus “Multilingualism and Multiculturalism”
exchange student at Università di Pisa, Italy
Wei-Hsien He (何尉賢): 2009-2013
- MA thesis: On the Adverbial
Function of -nya in Bahasa Melayu: A Cognitive
Perspective (從認知觀點看馬來語-nya的副詞功能) (June, 2013)
- research interests: 找同源詞、從詞源看文化、描述語言的語法、了解語言的分類、親屬關係以及各別歷史
- Lu, Chiarung and Wei-hsien He. (2012). ‘Three little pigs
defeat the wolf’:metaphor and the blending chain in Taiwanese political
discourse, paper presented in the 9th conference on Researching and
Applying Metaphor (RaAM 9). (July 4-7, 2012. at Lancaster University, UK)
- Lu, Chiarung and Wei-hsien He. (2012). The ‘unmarkedness’ in
proverbs: a typological perspective, Proceedings of the 12th Annual
Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association. [NSC99-2410-H-002-218-MY2]
- He, Wei-Hsien. (2011) Two copulas in Bahasa Malaysia: ialah and adalah,
paper presented in the 15th International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian
Linguistics (ISMIL15), Malang, East Java, Indonesia. (Jun. 24-26, 2011)
Yueh-Tung Lin (林玥彤): 2009-2013
- MA thesis: Temproal Distance
Distinction in Two Pairs of Mandarin Chinese Near-Synonyms Zhiqian/Yiqian and Zhihou/Yihou (中文近義詞「之前/以前」及「之後/以後」之時間距離差異研究) (July, 2013)
- research interests: how people
conceptualize time
- Lin, Yueh-Tung. (2012). Figurative uses of Mandarin Chinese
‘stomach’ and ‘bosom’ in the measure word construction. Paper presented in
the 5th Austrian Students’ Conference of Linguistics (ÖSKL). at the
University of Vienna, Austria. (Nov. 16-18, 2012)
- Lin, Yueh-Tung. (2012) Mandarin Chinese near-synonyms zhihou and yihou:
A study on the construal of temporal distance, paper presented in the
conference on Meaning, Context and Cognition (MCC 2012), University of
Lodz Conference Centre, Łódź, ul. Kopcińskiego. (Mar. 22-24, 2012)
- 2011/12-2012/06 Erasmus Mundus “Multilingualism and
Multiculturalism” exchange student at Università di Pisa, Italy
Chun-Chieh Wang (王駿杰): 2012-2013
- MA thesis: Discourse-Pragmatic
Functions of Jieguo in Mandarin Chinese (漢語「結果」的言談語用功能) (June, 2013)
- research interests: Discourse and
Grammar, Functional/Interactional Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics,
Pragmatics, Construction Grammar, Lexicalization/ Grammaticalization
- Wang, Chun-Chieh. (2013). Cognitive Salience, Sequentiality,
and Semantic Change: Discourse Functions of Jieguo in
Taiwan Mandarin Conversations, paper presented in the
12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12),
University of Alberta, Canada, June 23-28, 2013.
- Wang, Chun-Chieh. (2012). Relation of Language to Cognition:
Evaluative Construction in Taiwan Mandarin. Paper presented in the
13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association
(JCLA-13). September 8-9. Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Wang, Chun-Chieh. (2012). Language Use, Semantic Change, and the
Expansion of Constructional Frame: Hyperbolic Constructions and their
Emergence in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented in the Seventh
International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-7). August 10-12.
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
- Wang, Chun-Chieh. (2012). Invited Inferences, Metonymization,
and Subjectification: The Lexicalization of zuihao(shi) ‘最好(是)’ in
Taiwan Mandarin. Paper presented in the Second International Symposium on
Chinese Language and Discourse. June 9-11. Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
- Wang, Chun-Chieh. (2011). Discourse-Pragmatic Functions
of erqie ‘而且’ in spoken Taiwan Mandarin. Paper presented in the 12th National
Conference on Linguistics (NCL-12). September 23-24. National Sun Yat-Sen
University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Chiung-Hao Chen (陳炯皓): 2012-2013
- MA thesis: Emotion Verbs and
Related Constructions in Taiwan Southen Min: A Cognitive Perspective
(台灣閩南語情緒動詞及其構式: 從認知觀點看分析) (June, 2013)
- research interests: emotion and
- Chen, Chiung-Hao. (2012). Constructions of Emotion in Taiwan
Southern Min. Paper presented in the 13th Annual Meeting of the
Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA-13). September 8-9. Daito
Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan.
- 2011/09-2012/02 Erasmus Mundus “Multilingualism and
Multiculturalism” exchange student at Aix Marseille Université, France
Chia-Ying Chen (陳佳音): 2010-2014
- MA thesis: Expressing Manner and
Path in Motion Events in Spanish by Mandarin Chinese Speakers (西班牙文動態事件樣貌與路徑表達方式之研究:以中文母語者為例) (January, 2014)
- research interests: L2 or L3
language acquisition, Spanish learning issues, motion event and verb
- Chen, Chia-ying. (2012). Describing motion events in Spanish.
The acquisition of boundary-crossing constraint in Spanish by Mandarin
Chinese speakers in Taiwan. Paper presented in the 5th Austrian Students’
Conference of Linguistics (ÖSKL). at the University of Vienna, Austria.
(Nov. 16-18, 2012)
- 2012/09-2013/02 Erasmus Mundus “Multilingualism and
Multiculturalism” exchange student at Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Ching-Wei Hsu (許靖瑋): 2012-2016
- MA thesis:中文語前助詞的語用功能: 以Eh2和Oh為例 = Pragmatic functions of mandarin Chinese utterance-initial
particles : a case study of Eh2 and Oh in social interactions (June, 2016)
- research interests: 詞彙語意學、語言認知與社會議題、語言類型學
- Hsu, Ching wei. (2014). Gendered Identity in Monologues:Discourse
Analysis to Reported Speech Act in Mandarin Story-retelling Narratives.
Paper presented in the conference of Association suédoise de
linguistique appliquée (ASLA 2014), at Södertörn University, Sweden.
(May. 8-9, 2014)
- Hsu, Ching wei. (2013). Lexicalization or Grammaticalization? –
Analysis to “Graphic Constructions” Adopted in Plurk Microblog. Paper
presented in the Topics in Applied Linguistics 2013: Social, Cultural and
Affective Influences on Language Processes (TAL 2013), at Opole
University, Poland. (Oct. 7-9, 2013)
- Hsu, Ching wei. (2013). Referential Problems or Pragmatic
Functions? “Perspective Taking” in Language Learning and Teaching. Paper
presented in the 3rd Language Arts and Linguistics Conference (LAL3), at
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (Sep. 29-30, 2013)
Po-Wei Li (李柏緯): 2013-2016
- MA thesis: 性向、偏好、與身分認同論述 : 以台灣交友網站的異性戀常規性為例= Articulating sexuality, desire, and identity : a case study
of heteronormativity in Taiwanese dating websites (June, 2016)
- research interests: 隱喻、中日韓語言學、語言認知與社會議題
- Li, Po-Wei. (2014). Culture behind Colors: The semantic network
of YELLOW in Mandarin and Japanese, Paper presented in the
15th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association
(JCLA-15), at Keio University, Tokyo. (Sep. 20-21, 2014)
Ian Joo (朱易安): 2016-2018 (共同指導, co-supervisor, with Dr. Yuwen Lai)
- MA thesis: Spoken Language
Iconicity: An Articulatory-based
Analysis of 66 Languages (口語象似性: 66 種語言構音為本的分析), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (Feb. 2018) - research interests: Cognitive
linguistics, Sound symbolism
- research interests: Lexical Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Crosslinguistic Comparison
- Chang, Tsu-Ning. (2017). Character language in Mandarin Chinese: A case study of final particles A ‘啊’ and Ya ‘呀’, poster presented in the 39th Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (JASS39), at Kyori University, Japan. (March 18-19, 2017, 日本杏林大学)
- Chang, Tsu-Ning. (2018). Character Language in Mandarin Chinese: A Case Study of Final Particle MA ‘嘛’, poster presented in the 41st Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (JASS41), at Toyo University, Japan. (March 10-11, 2018, 日本東洋大學)
Jung-Sheng Chang (張榕陞): 2016-2019
- research interests: Phonology, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Crosslinguistic Comparison
- Chang, Jung-Sheng. (2017). The sociolinguistic generalization of modern Chinese kinship terms in Taiwan, paper to be presented in the 39th Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (JASS39). (2017/3/18-19,日本杏林大学)
Zi-Min Li (李子民): 2017-2019
- research interests: Chinese linguistics
- Li, Tzu-Min. (2018). On the Polysemy of the A-not-A Form hao-bu-hao in Mandarin Chinese: A Cognitive Approach, poster to be presented at the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9). (Oct. 19-21, 2018, at National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Craig Yu-Chun Yang (楊聿鈞): 2016-2019
- research interests: Cognitive Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics
- Yang, Yu-Chun. (2017). Metaphors in a hierarchical system: A socio-cognitive perspective, paper presented at the International Seminar on Sociolinguistics and Dialectology: “Changes and Development of Language in Social Life,” at Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia. (Nov. 23-24, 2017)
- Yang, Yu-Chun & Chiarung Lu. (2018). The Semantic Network of Near-synonymous Spatial Prepositions ti, tiam, and tua in Taiwan Southern Min, paper to be presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 28), at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (May 17-19, 2018)
Yu-Shan Lin (林育珊): 2017-2019
- research interests: Language and culture
- Lin, Yu-Shan and Chiarung Lu. (2018). Culturally tinged spatial metaphor in human relations: a case study of biǎo ‘outer’ in Mandarin Chinese, poster to be presented at the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9). (Oct. 19-21, 2018, at National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Abner Ying-Chang Chen (陳穎昌): 2017-2022
- research interests: Grammaticalization
- Chen, Ying-Chang. (2018). A Case Study on the Multi-faceted Verb tǎo 討 in Mandarin Chinese, poster to be presented at the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9). (Oct. 19-21, 2018, at National Taiwan University, Taiwan)