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康容榕.呂佳蓉. (2023). “這下”的語意分析:以空間隱喻、主觀性及篇章的觀點,第24屆漢語詞彙語義學國際研討會 (CLSW2023),2023年5月19-21日,新加坡中文與東方語文信息處理學會與南洋理工大學。
Lu, Chia-Rung. (2023). Preferred types of genericity of metaphor/metonymy in expressing coronavirus and epidemic in Mandarin and English, paper presented at "C&C 2023 - Languages in Cultural Perspectives: Practices, Discourses, Cognition."(March 27-29, at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland)(online)
呂佳蓉 (2022) 日英中の伝達動詞における一考察―(間)主観性をめぐって, the 5th workshop of Asian Network for Japan Studies. (Mar. 5, Online conference)
[the year 2021]
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黃宣範 主編
黃宣範、連金發、蘇以文、呂佳蓉、馮怡蓁、邱振豪、盧郁安、宋麗梅、鄭奕揚、江文瑜、黃文怡、林智凱、張顯達、徐嘉慧、李佳霖、戴浩一、蔡素娟、謝舒凱、陳信希 著
呂佳蓉. (2021). 詞彙語意面面觀. In:黃宣範 (Ed.) 語言學──結構、認知與文化的探索. 頁89-109. 臺大出版中心.
Lai C-H, Hsieh S-K, Lee C-L, Su LI-W, Liu T-H, Lu C-R, Tsai I-N and Chou T-L (2021). Neuro-Cognitive Differences in Semantic Processing Between Native Speakers and Proficient Learners of Mandarin Chinese. Front. Psychol. 12:781304. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.781304
Nguyen, Thanh How & Chia-Rung Lu. (2021). Application of spilling schema in English and Vietnamese: from peeing to extremely, paper presented at C&C 2021: interlingual and intercultural contacts and contrasts - approaches and practices. (Oct. 18-20, at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland)(online)
Lu, Chia-Rung. (2021). Construction schema and syntactic duality in Mandarin Chinese, Poster presented at 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11). (Aug. 18-20, 2021, University of Antwerp, Belgium)(online)
Lu, Chia-Rung. (2021). Eye-catching or/and eye-opening? Transformation of headlines in the digital era, paper presented at The Third Cultural Linguistics International Conference. (Jun. 16-18, 2021, Poland)(online)